The foundation of discipleship is relationship; first with Jesus and then with others. This is why intentional relationships with others are one of our core values. This does not need to be complicated and is quite simple. We ask the group leader and participants in each group to focus on growing intentional relationships, that will foster discipleship among each other, as well as encourage future disciple-making. We use small groups as the vehicle for this pursuit.


At the end of each group we encourage members to
lead their own group. We call this multiplication. The
study points members to be disciples who make disciples. We don't just encourage disciple making, we provide next steps and resourcing.


We provide an online platform and in-person model for both leaders and participants. Within those are step-by-step processes for leaders with resources for each step. Everyone in Ordinary Movement is given access to everything they need to successfully lead and participate. Instead of simply encouraging men and women to disciple others, we have taken away the obstacles and have given practical steps to discipleship.

Men Disciples strengthening intentional relationships


Women's group on constant mentoring

We believe in discipleship at all levels of the organization. When a participant steps into leadership (multiplication) we provide a mentor to assist them in the journey. We never want anyone doing discipleship alone, and we believe that as you disciple others you should also be discipled. In most cases the new leader is mentored by their previous group leader. This creates a great next step for previous leaders and builds upon a relationship that already exists.


We provide our leaders and participants with everything they need to be successful disciple-makers, such as podcasts, blogs, training videos, and other valuable resources. We connect participants to a greater vision and our overall culture while also engaging past participants and attracting the hearts and interest of future Ordinary Men and Women.


Throughout the year, Ordinary Movement hosts local, regional, and national gatherings. These gatherings point men and women to Jesus and help participants understand that we are part of a larger network⁠—a movement that has the ability to be highly influential and effective in changing society.