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What’s Next?
Be sure to visit our app and explore the leadership training.
We’ve made leading discipleship groups simple and taken all the guesswork out of where to begin and what elements to include for effective growth toward God and missional living. In all honesty, if you can read and hold a conversation with people, then you can certainly lead a group with us.
Looking to learn more about discipleship?
Check out our favorite books:
The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Letters to the Church by Francis Chan
Contagious Disciple Making by David and Paul Watson
Building a Discipling Culture by Mike Breen
Multiply by Francis Chan
Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer
The Disciple Maker’s Handbook by
The OM/OW Workbook found here.
The essential values of an effective disciple-maker.
We grow in secret, not in public
Intimacy with Jesus comes first. We grow in secret with the Lord, focused on growing in relationship with Him. From this place of intimacy, He will ignite passion; and from this passion, purpose. Instead of living a life of doing, we live a life of being with Him. Our calling comes from abiding and being with Him.
Major in the majors and minor in the minors
Each of us comes from different backgrounds and beliefs, but we are united in our pursuit of Jesus and minor differences will not cause division. Part of becoming a mature disciple is knowing what hills to die on and how to collaborate with disciple-makers who have different theological viewpoints. We strive for strong doctrine and uniting around the absolutes, while setting aside the differences that will not be resolved this side of heaven. We agree we are all here because we love Jesus and want to grow as disciples. We will stay focused–and help each other stay focused–on the essentials. Let’s unite, not divide!
Growing big people, not a big organization
The purpose of OM is to grow the individual so they are not only a disciple, but a disciple-maker. We believe that growing big people is the mission of OM. The only way OM grows as an organization is by growing as people.
God pleasers, not people pleasers
OM is aimed at only pleasing Jesus and glorifying Him alone. The Word of God says that the Gospel is offensive, however, we will not back down from navigating that challenge and view it as an attribute of true discipleship.
Glorify only the name of Jesus, no man
We are not here to promote a person or their brand, or make this ministry a one-man-show. We’re a movement of many leaders who are about Jesus and making Him famous.
Fun not phony
We are disciple-makers filled with the Holy Spirit and the joy of the Lord. We embrace being ordinary and are authentic in our faith. With lightheartedness we acknowledge our shortcomings and do not take ourselves too seriously. Afterall, we are each a work in progress. We share the nitty-gritty of our lives with each other instead of maintaining a phony facade. We believe that we can have fun in the adventurous pursuit of following Jesus and living life on mission. When we are called to the uncomfortable, we will fight to keep the joy and excitement of the invitation ahead of us.
High challenge, high grace
When we employ these two attitudes together, participants are empowered and energized to continue forward in their faith pursuits. OM is a high challenge environment. We are tired of being coddled. We are about taking responsibility for our growth in Christ. We are not consumers; we want a challenge because no change happens without it. Rarely do we value participation trophies or things that come easily. What value are we placing on our faith if we are not willing to sacrifice and challenge our minds and bodies for it?
High grace arrives as we take the risk in high challenge. We know God is for us and delights in our effort to obey Him. Even when our efforts fail we are confident that his love and relationship with us remains steadfast.
Willingness over ability
As we read the Bible, we see over and over again God using the ordinary to do the extraordinary work of Kingdom building. God isn’t moved by a person’s extraordinary talents or abilities, but by faith and willing hearts. Willingness puts our faith in the Lord to accomplish what He is calling us to do, despite our abilities.
Followers not consumers
OM is not a social club. We are committed to work hard and dedicate our lives to the Gospel and discipleship. This requires that we change our mindset from spectators and consumers to players and participants.
Attitude of gratitude
We are grateful for a God that rescues. That gratefulness moves us to action. There will be times when we will be discouraged or burnt out in ministry, but by living in gratitude for Jesus’ sacrifice, we will stay focused on our pursuit of discipleship.
Kingdom first
We will be inconvenienced. Our time, resources, and anything we hold valuable belongs to God, and what He chooses to use we willingly surrender for a greater purpose.
Work like it depends on us, pray like it depends on Him
Nothing of eternal significance happens apart from prayer. We choose to work hard and pray hard. Prayer throughout your study and in your group is essential to being an Ordinary Man or Woman.