Intro to Watchman Nee

Sessions 9, 10, and 11 are deep, challenging, and worth every effort to read. In these sessions we hear from author Watchman Nee regarding the topics of the blood of Christ, the cross, and the spirit, soul, and body. All three sessions are truly life-changing as we gain understanding of the work of Jesus Christ and how his life, death, and resurrection affects our lives. 

Nee was a martyr, man of God, and disciple-maker. It is estimated that the movement he led had over 70,000 members and more than 500 churches. Other estimates suggest that his movement constituted around 15% or more of the protestant church in China in the 1950s. It is believed that his work has resulted in thousands of home church plants in China and millions of people giving their lives to Jesus.

We use Nee’s writings because of his Kingdom impact and his gift of communicating practical life applications and explaining complicated spiritual truths. We believe these elements make his work great complimentary material to your Scripture reading.

Our invitation to you is two-fold:

  1. We embrace high challenge/high grace. Don’t pull back from engaging in these sessions due to the challenging writings of Nee. Think of it like this: we all have to learn new skills, read difficult materials, or think critically for our work or personal achievements, so why would we give any less in our spiritual life? Rising to this challenge will bring great reward.

  2. We value the principle of eating the meat and spitting out the bones. Chew on what Nee shares by thinking about it critically from what you see in Scripture, and then throw out any non-essential elements that don’t align with your beliefs. We take this same stance for all of our content, other pastors’ sermons, and any other outside resources we use. As a movement, the words of Jesus and the written Scriptures are our plumb line, and we value finding the best interpretations.

Alright, let’s get into these sessions!

The Ordinary Movement Team


#26 Urgency: A Call to Action

